At the Annual Meeting of Mama Vilma?s family Home, held on December 19, 2012, Vice President, Eve Dirnback and Cheryl Bowen, Secretary Treasurer resigned from their offices and from the membership. In addition, Surendra and Carolyn Kumar resigned as members.
Eve and Cheryl have been with the organization since its inception in February 2011. Mama Vilma?s Family Home was intended to be a safe haven for women, children and families. Unfortunately, we did not learn until March 2012 that providing services to victims of domestic violence on the island was prohibitive. Several members attended the Domestic Violence seminar held at Fido?s, coming back to the group with this information. Since that time, the organization has been unable to define a focus. Shelly Huber, President of Mama Vilma?s Family Home stated at the Annual Meeting, ?This home will be built?we will find a way.?
?Cheryl told the group that she very much wanted to contribute in a positive way to the organization, but it is hard to be an integral part when the organization has done nothing except fundraising. In 2+ years, even with the generosity of the community, the organization has not raised enough funds to purchase, build or maintain a facility.
Eve, Cheryl and the Kumar?s wanted to have a vote to disband the organization and use the money raised in direct services to women, children and families in need right now. Surendra and Carolyn were hoping to donate to the San Pedro Library to provide after school support and tutoring. Donations to schools, building a pre-school and donating to other viable organizations on the island were additional ideas suggested by Cheryl and Carolyn.
There were six members present at the meeting and one additional member that arrived at the end of the meeting. Cheryl pointed out that with the exception of Shelly, the six members that actively participate are from North America. Carolyn questioned if there truly was a need on the island and if there is, why are the local men and women not participating? Shelly stated that she refused to make any decision without the ?others? present, referring to three local women that are non-participating members. She went on to state that, ?They will come, they will participate,? despite the fact that there has been no local participation at any meetings this entire year.
At the time of her resignation as Secretary/Treasurer, Cheryl informed the group that there is $23,966.44 in the Mama Vilma?s Family Home checking account and $31,469.58 in a six month CD scheduled to mature in May 2013. Total assets of the organization are $55,466.02. There has been NO financial impropriety and Shelly assured the other members that all of the money WILL be used to build a home to house abused women and children. All financial records and materials will be returned to Shelly for use by the new officers, once they are elected.
Cheryl, Eve and the Kumar?s will continue to participate in needy causes here as each of them considers San Pedro to be their home. Surendra and Carolyn are deeply involved with the youth group and youth choir at the Roman Catholic Church, Eve is working with the San Pedro Drum Corp and Cheryl is exploring alternate academic opportunities for local high school students.

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