- Katie Waldeck
- August 20, 2012
- 5:31 pm
get healthy living updates
It?s nice to be loved, isn?t it?! Click through to check out some cats and dogs that really, really, really want your attention!?Do you have a pet that loves attention? Share your stories in the comments section below.
Earlier: 10 Rarest Cat Breeds (Slideshow)
Read more: Behavior & Communication, Cats, Cute Pet Photos, Dogs, Humor & Inspiration, Pets, Videos, Videos, slideshow
Katie Waldeck
Katie is a freelance writer focused on pets, food and women?s issues. A Chicago native and longtime resident of the Pacific Northwest, Katie now lives in Oakland, California.
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Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/6-pets-that-really-want-your-attention-videos.html
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