Monday, March 26, 2012

What is the structure of the United State's income tax system ...

Question by Rachel W : What is the structure of the United State?s income tax system
I am a first time tax payer. I?ve seen the term ?tax structure? on a couple of tax forms. The term does not pertain to the forms ask any questions (search as taxable interest, Wages, salary, and tips, etc). But I?m curious to know: What is the structure of the United State?s income tax system?I have not found any resources that will give me a straight answer. Best answer:

Answer by Serge M
With more than 10,000 pages in the Internal Revenue Code, the structure is far to complex to discuss here. Basically it as a tax on income with tax rates that high income earners Sun graduated pay a higher percentage than low-income individuals.

know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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